5 Regular Mistakes That Could Affect Your Android App’s Performance

5 min readMay 25, 2022


The market for mobile app development has grown exponentially with different developments in hardware and software capabilities, which have enabled application developers to be more innovative and creative in their approach to Android app development. The rising wave of new features available to mobile app developers today is vast. Android app developers can now integrate the latest trends in technologies to enhance user experience and make their apps more engaging and user-friendly.

Developing mobile applications is a complex process that needs to be treated with thoroughness and due diligence. A good place to start would be to hire the services of a dedicated Android app development company that can guide you through the app development process, right from ideation to the finished product. Your mobile application is an extension of your brand and should treat accordingly. The ease of accessibility to the Android platform has caused it to become overcrowded with different applications with unique offerings. As a result, the Android app development market space has become very competitive.

The wide range of options available to Android users has made them accustomed to immediate gratification and ease of use combined with high functionality. This breed of users easily loses interest and will discard apps that are tiresome even in the slightest. This puts a lot of pressure on Android app developers to make their products appealing and endearing to users. After all, there should be no room for error if you want your application to stand out from the rest of the competition.

Here are a few common mistakes that could be made by Android app developers:

Writing web-application-centric code

Breaking away from old, standard app development habits isn’t easy. The years preceding the mobile applications wave had the digital world oriented towards a more web-based approach to programming, which meant coding was necessary to optimize their user interface (UI) to best suit mouse and keyboard commands. Desktop-based applications now serve ancillary roles in the face of the rising popularity of mobile application development. Android app development is all set to change the fate of the app economy, and Android app developers need to be aware of the different development principles, as suggested by Google, that go into effective Android application development. A lot of developers may themselves be writing redundant code for desktop applications into their mobile apps, and it goes without saying that this only takes away from your user experience (UX), which contributes directly to the success and longevity of your digital product.

Ignoring Asynchronous Design

Asynchronous cause and threads processes are basically protocols put in place that allow users to interact with apps whilst performing background actions. Nobody likes a glitchy application that is prone to regular crashes and hanging. Android application development today has become very competitive due to a number of reasons, but most notably because every Android application development company out there is always wrestling with satisfying users that easily lose interest and have become accustomed to seamless UX and UI. Android application development standards are high, and an Android app developer needs to meet these requirements in order to drive results. In today’s world, even the slightest inconvenience could get your app deleted by a user, and it’s safe to assume that getting deleted isn’t something you want happening to your application.

Not indicating if you support older versions

Android app development has come a long way since its inception. Newer versions of Android are constantly replacing older versions, almost year on year. The dynamic nature of the Android platform coupled with an overabundance of devices in the market today poses a problem to Android app development in terms of device fragmentation. When releasing your Android application onto the Play Store, it is always important to mention or indicate the minimum level of Android OS your app supports. Similar to web-based apps, including code for outdated software can make your application code cumbersome, glitchy and complex, which as consequence will lead to bugs and other problems. It goes without saying that writing code for the latest OS will always be more beneficial, but indicating exactly (and accurately) what versions of Android you support is of paramount importance so your users are not disillusioned.

Not testing your app on different devices

There are a lot of apps on the market that is extremely poor in terms of performance even if the concept and premise might be great. This is due to poor testing. A comprehensive and thorough testing time allows an Android app developer to ensure that the application is error-free before it’s finally rolled out. This is a very deciding stage in the process of Android app development and can make or break your digital product. If you’re unfortunate enough to have rolled out a buggy application, then you can be sure to receive poor reviews and ratings which will damage your application. Testing your app on different devices and screens not only gives you a better idea of how your app will be perceived by various consumers, but will also give you confidence in the potential of your app.

Creating apps that consume too much battery

No matter how advanced or efficient your battery or hardware capabilities are, it’s only obvious that the more apps you download, the faster the battery will drain. This usually occurs because a lot of applications tend to have a lot of background processes running even when the phone is not in use. You should hire Android app development services that can help you build an app with only the essentials. It doesn’t make sense to overstuff your application with unnecessary background processes that drain the device’s battery. After all, battery-consuming apps can be annoying to users.

Looking to develop an efficient, effective Android application? Avail HokuApps’ mobile app development services! HokuApps is an Android app development company that develops apps in 10x the speed (your app will be ready in days, not months), as all apps are created on the company’s very own low code platform, which helps you roll out your app sooner and affordable. In addition to this, HokuApps offers customized mobile app solutions, so that your mobile app is tailor-made to your specific business requirements.

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