Main 4 Challenges that the Latest Trends Pose for iOS Mobile App Development

3 min readAug 2, 2022

here’s a look at some of the latest trends and the challenges posed by them for iOS mobile app development.

Limitations in Performance and Memory

A major challenge for iOS developers is balancing app performance and device memory constraints. iPhone devices do not come with a garbage collection function, as do Android devices. This makes it difficult for providers of iPhone app development services to manage memory with the app. The purpose of garbage collection is to identify and discard objects that are no longer needed by a program so that their resources can be reclaimed and reused. There is a solution to this. Ensure that your provider of iPhone application development services uses Objective-C for writing the codes. This program comes with a remarkable memory management model and makes the task of iOS mobile app development easier.

Beta Users Testing

What’s the worst thing that can happen when an app is released? It’s getting negative feedback from users, which stems from developers not having validated their app thoroughly enough to identify all the weak spots in various use cases. It is important for an app developer to gauge a user’s interaction with the app, which can be achieved during the beta test, which is a kind of external user acceptance testing. It is the second phase of software testing performed in a real environment by real users of the app to check the app’s functionality and identify any bugs and any possible breakdowns.

Poor Network Conditions

iOS app development services need to be backed by a strong internet connection and network speed. While this may not be an issue for developers, it is important to consider use cases when the connection is slow, and the app uses rich media like streaming services and video applications from the internet. Fortunately, Apple has got just the right tool for iOS developers. Xcode, the integrated development environment (IDE) from Apple, provides a tool called Network Link Conditioner to simulate various network conditions covering reduced bandwidth, DNS delays, high latency, packet loss, and more. A part of the process in iOS mobile app development should be to test the app using the Network Link Conditioner for stimulating different conditions.

Apps in Sandboxed Environment

Privacy and security have always been top priorities for Apple. As a result of that commitment, Apple has implemented a security technique called Sandboxing on iOS, from day one, to protect the device against buggy, exploited, or otherwise compromised applications. The sandbox isolates an app from the rest of the system and creates a private environment of data and information for each app, which cannot be intruded on or used by any other app. During iOS mobile app development, developers need to include a sandbox rule called “entitlement,” which allows the program to access the needed resource defined in that entitlement. The developer should only enable the entitlements that are needed to allow his program to run and nothing more.

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